COVID-19 Procedures
With the pandemic on everyone’s minds, and safety being our top concern here at The PNW Dream, our team is certainly taking extra precautions as we continue to serve our clients.
While it is only myself (Corinna) at the moment, manufacturing your orders, I am doing everything in my power to ensure your orders get to you safely!
* Now that we are manufacturing masks, I wear one myself while I work.
* I also follow strict hand hygiene standards that include regular hand washing and hand sanitizing when necessary.
* All surfaces are wiped down with hydrogen peroxide or alcohol based cleaners after every shift that I work.
As an additional measure of safety, please wash your garments before wearing and wash your hands after opening any packages! If you would like to try on with the possibility of returning, please leave the clothes for 2 days so that you can try them on without washing. We cannot accept returns for washed items. For our full return policy, you can read it here.
Our family certainly appreciates all your support during this time! We love each and every one of you and feel privileged that we are able to continue to serve you as well as spread the love among other small businesses.
We will get through this.
- Corinna